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[creatink_accordion type=”panel-group-border” open=”no”][creatink_accordion_content title=”INTRODUCTION”]Since 1976, The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) has served as the “conscience of law enforcement,” addressing critical issues germane to improving both the law enforcement profession and its service to our community.

NOBLE’s motto, “Justice by Action,” is consistent with our effort to pursue our goals by conducting substantive research, providing training and professional development opportunities, speaking out on relevant issues, and performing a variety of community outreach activities. The success of NOBLE’ s efforts is reflected by its growth and the major role it has played and continues to play in shaping policy on issues of vital importance to minorities and the law enforcement community.

NOBLE has effectively used the media, training, the judicial process, and direct correspondence to express opinions and concerns. NOBLE firmly believes that speaking out on salient issues helps to favorably influence the decisions of those who develop public policy.

Some of the areas of interest and concern to NOBLE are:

  • Racial Profiling
  • Family Violence
  • Minority Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion
  • Vehicular Passenger Restraints and Child Safety Seats
  • “Friendly Fire” Injuries and Deaths
  • Use of Unnecessary and Excessive Force
  • Traffic Safety
  • Community Policing
  • Law Enforcement Ethics & Integrity
  • Youth Violence
  • School Safety
  • Law Enforcement Technology
  • Police Accountability and Citizen’s Review Panels
  • Victims Assistance
  • Mandatory Sentencing
  • Asset Forfeiture
  • Drug Enforcement
  • Firearms Safety

[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”WHO WE ARE”]Law enforcement executives above the rank of lieutenant (GS-13 in the federal sector), police educators, academy directors, interested individuals, and organizations share the following NOBLE goals:

  • To provide a platform from which the concerns and opinions of minority law enforcement executives and command-level officers can be expressed.
  • To facilitate the exchange of programmatic information among minority law
    enforcement executives.
  • To increase minority participation at all levels of law enforcement.
  • To e1iminate racism in the field of criminal justice.
  • To secure increased cooperation from criminal justice agencies.
  • To reduce urban crime and violence.
  • To develop and maintain channels of communication between law enforcement agencies and the community.
  • To encourage coordinated community efforts to prevent and abate crime and its causes.

NOBLE CEO’s command some of the nation’s most prestigious federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in virtually every area of law enforcement from sheriffs to campus chiefs, federal agents to constables.[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”WHAT WE DO”]

  • NOBLE offers on-site technical assistance and training to police departments and develops model policies, practices, and procedures designed to decrease racial and religious violence and harassment.
  • NOBLE conducts research and training and offers technical assistance in crime victim assistance, community oriented policing, domestic violence, use of deadly force, and minority recruitment.
  • NOBLE offers fellowships for law enforcement mid-level managers, internships for first-line supervisors and criminal justice majors.
  • NOBLE provides scholarships for criminal justice majors.
  • NOBLE is a member of the Community Policing Consortium and provides Human Diversity and Community Partnership training to law enforcement officers and community members.
  • NOBLE has partnered with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to encourage the use of seatbelts and child-safety seats.
  • NOBLE has partnered with Allstate Insurance, the NAACP, and the Hispanic-American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) to present The Law & You, a nationally recognized training for young people designed to improve their communications with law enforcement officers.
  • NOBLE has partnered with IES Electronics Industries USA, Inc. to develop an interactive model of The Law & You, as well as a training program for law enforcement officers utilizing computer simulators to improve law enforcement officers’ communications skills.
  • NOBLE has been awarded a grant by the U.S. Department of Justice to develop a model policy on Non-traditional Responses to Family Violence.

[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”WHERE WE ARE LOCATED”]


Region One Region Three Region Five
Central New York Alabama-Birmingham Greater North Texas
Long Island, New York Central Florida Houston
New England Chattanooga Regional Kansas City
New York City Georgia Louisiana
Northern Jersey Greater Charlotte Oklahoma
South Jersey Kentucky St. Louis
Western New York Mississippi Nebraska
  North Florida Central Texas
  Greater Jacksonville Baton Rouge Middle District
Region Two S. Alabama-Montgomery-Mobile Region Six
  South Carolina  
Central Pennsylvania South Florida Colorado State
Central Virginia St. Kitts/Nevis (Caribbean) Doeg Nelson, Arizona
Delaware West Tennessee Greater San Diego
Hampton Roads, VA   Northwest, OR
Maryland Region Four Sacramento
Northern Virginia   San Francisco Bay Area
Philadelphia Chicago San Gabriel Valley, CA
Pittsburgh Cleveland Southern California
Washington DC Metropolitan Detroit Southern Nevada
  Greater Cincinnati Washington State
  Land of Lincoln, IL  
  Northern Illinois  
  Northern Indiana  

[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”ORGANIZATION OF THE NATIONAL OFFICE”]In 1993, NOBLE relocated its National Office from Washington, D.C., to 4609-F Pinecrest Office Park Drive in Alexandria, Virginia, approximately six miles south of the Nation’s Capital. The facility houses NOBLE’ s professional staff, consisting of training, finance, publications, membership, conference services, and executive staff functions. Additionally, one wing of the complex serves as a satellite office for NOBLE’s staff assigned to the Community Policing Consortium.

About Us | Organization of the National Office[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”MISSION, VISION, OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES”]NOBLE Mission Statement
To ensure equity in the administration of justice in the provision of public service to all communities and to serve as the conscience of law enforcement by being committed to justice by action.

Vision Statement

The goal of NOBLE is to be recognized as a highly competent, public service organization that is at the forefront of providing solutions to law enforcement issues and concerns, as well as to the ever-changing needs of our communities.


The objectives that are employed to implement the goals of the organization include:

  • An emphasis on being a competent learning organization that continuously learns from the collective knowledge of its members and other sources of criminal justice research and data, while simultaneously working to rapidly convert this learning into action.
  • Working to ensure long-term organizational stability by identifying and establishing mt1tually beneficial relationships with corporations and other funding sources.
  • Recommending and executing policies, processes, and procedures that recognize and pursue goals common to all segments of the community and law enforcement, with a focus on ensuring strict accountability and uncompromising integrity.
  • Providing structured mentoring programs and opportunities that support the development of NOBLE members for leadership positions in law enforcement.
  • Promoting and encouraging attitudes and characteristics that permit adaptability to the changing demands placed on law enforcement and the development of professional and communication competencies that help view, comprehend, and shape appropriate responses to an ever-changing environment.
  • Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of NOBLE through a clearly defined and shared sense of purpose and commitment among its members.

[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”GUIDING PRINCIPLES”]Respect:
Law enforcement must be respectful of the rights of all persons.

Uncompromising Integrity:
NOBLE will conduct its business according to ethical standards of law enforcement.

Courage of Convictions:
NOBLE will be proactive in addressing issues of controversial law enforcement policies and practices.

NOBLE promotes the principle of mutual accountability between the criminal justice system and the community.

Community Partnership:
The community must be an integral part of the criminal justice system, with particular attention being given to criminal justice issues that affect the African-American community.

Value Diversity:
NOBLE promotes the value of diversity at all levels throughout the criminal justice system.

NOBLE members are committed to mentoring as a way of life.[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”THE FOUNDING MEMBERS”]

1. Paul B. Adams, Roanoke VA, Police Department 31. Kenneth Miles, Wilmington, DE, Police Department
2. Lucius Amerson, Macon County, AL, Sheriff’s Office * 32. Laurel Miller, Richmond, VA, Police Department
3. Frank Blount, Detroit, Ml, Police Department 33. Thomas Mitchelson, New York, NY, Police Department
4. Larry Bolden, Las Vegas, NV, Police Department * 34. William Moore, Pittsburgh, PA, Police Department *
5. Charles Boone, Gary, IN, Police Department 35. George Napper, Atlanta, GA, Bureau of Police Services
6. William Bracey, New York, NY, Police Department * 36. Doeg Nelson, Phoenix, AZ, Police Department*
7. Homer F. Broome Los Angeles, CA, Police Department * 37. Sam Nolan, Chicago, IL, Police Department
8. Lee P. Brown, Multnomah County, OR, Sheriff’s Office 38. Tilmon O’Bryant, Washington, DC, Police Department *
9. Willie B. Clayton Jr., Atlantic City, NJ, Police1Department* 39. Lloyd Patterson, Cleveland, OH, Police Department
10. Monroe Coleman, Omaha, NE, Police Department 40. Gwynne Peirson, Howard University, Washington, DC,
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
11. James V. Dabner, Indianapolis, IN, Police Department 41. Edward Rhodes, Alaska State Troopers
12. Roosevelt Dunning, New York, NY, Police Department * 42. Fred Rice, Chicago, IL, Police Department
13. William E. Dye, Champaign, IL, Police Department * 43. Bishop Robinson, Baltimore, MD, Police Department
14. Reginald Eaves, Atlanta, GA, Department of Public Safety 44. Andrew L. Rodez, Benton Harbor, Ml, Police Department
15. Rufus Evans, Kansas City, MO, Police Department 45. Joseph T. Rouzan, Los Angeles, CA, Police Department
16. Joseph Fraser, Atlantic City, NJ, Police Department * 46. Fred Ruffin, Philadelphia, PA, Police Department
17. Vernon Gill, Washington, DC, Police Department 47. Lloyd Sealy, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY*
18. Charles Gittens, U.S. Secret Service, Department of the Treasury 48. Leon H. Smith, Trenton, NJ, Police Department
19. James S. Griffin, St. Paul, MN, Police Department * 49. Leroy Smith, City of Miami, FL, Police Department
20. Julius Guillory, Opelousas, LA, Police Department • 50. J. L. Sparks, Atlanta, GA, Bureau of Police Services
21. William C. Helm, Peoria, IL, Police Department 51. Leroy Swift, Kansas City, MO, Police Department
22. Ben Holman, U.S. Department of Justice, Community Relations Services * 52. O’Dell Sylvester, Oakland, CA, Police Department
23. Willie R. Howell, Muskegon Heights, Ml, Police Department 53 T.C. Tisdon, Shreveport, LA, Police Department *
24. Frank Ingram, Ill, Savannah, GA, Police Department * 54. Louis Turner, New Orleans, LA, Police Department
25. Burtell Jefferson, Washington, DC, Police Department 55. Mitchell Ware, Chicago, IL, Police Department
26. Johnnie Johnson, Birmingham, AL, Police Department 56. Atkins Warren, St. Louis, MO, Police Department
27. Sterling Johnson, New York Prosecutor’s Office, NY, Narcotics 57. Edward Williams, Newark, NJ, Police Department
28. Robert Lamb, U.S. Department of Justice, Community Relations Service * 58. Hubert Williams, Newark, NJ, Police Department
29. William Logan, Evanston, IL, Police Department 59. Rodney Williams, San Francisco, CA, Police Department
30. William Lucas, Wayne County, Ml, Sheriff’s Office 60. Samuel L. Williams, Los Angeles, CA, Police Department

[/creatink_accordion_content][creatink_accordion_content title=”THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT”]

Hubert Williams | 1976-1979   Hubert Bell | 1994 -1995
Gilbert Branche | 1979-1980   Oliver Thompson | 1995-1996
Bishop Robinson | 1980-1981   Louis Graham | 1996-1997
Atkins Warren | 1981-1982   Jacquelyn Barrett | 1997-1998
Henry DeGeneste | 1982-1983   James Golden | 1998 -1999
Sylvester Winston• | 1983-1984   Wesley Mitchell | 1999-2000
Ira Harris | 1984-1985   Ida Gillis | 2000-2001
Marty Tapscott | 1985-1986   Leonard Cooke | 2001-2002
George Napper, Ph.D. | 1986-1987   Jimmy L. Wilson | 2002-2003
Harold Johnson* | 1987-1988   Anthony Scott | 2003-2004
Ronald Nelson | 1988-1989   Clarence Edwards | 2004-2005
Marcellus Bowles | 1989 -1990   Richard J. Pennington | 2005-2006
Moses Ector | 1990-1991   Jimmie L. Dotson | 2006-2007
Willie Williams | 1991-1992   Douglas Deleaver | 2007-2008
Perry Anderson | 1992-1993   Joseph A. McMillan | 2008-2009
John Pritchard | 1993-1994   Ernest E. Green, III | 2009-2010

* Denotes deceased
